A Dragon's Guide to Destiny

The Author
What's New
Creatures as Teachers
Bach Flower Remedies

Nonfiction by C. M. Barrett
(See Fiction Here)

Animals Have Feelings, Too:
Bach Flower Remedies for Cats and Dogs

animals feelings cover This book incorporates what I've learned since becoming a Bach Flower Remedies practitioner in 1990. Much of my practice has been devoted to counseling for companion animals.

More information about this book is available here.

You can read an excerpt from this book in Vibration Magazine.

Animals Have Feelings, Too Is Available At

Amazon Kindle Store Barnes and Noble Apple Store
For those who'd like more information about Bach Flower Remedies, I'm adding a special section about them. You can find it Here
Kobo Books

Renew Your Life the Natural Way:
Balance Your Chakras with Crystals and Essences

crystal Previously taken as a course by people all over the world, this book provides a practical and literally hands-on approach to chakra balancing using crystals and essences. Each chakra is related to a key area of life, such as grounding, sexuality, abundance, love, creativity and communication, intuition, and oneness.

Read more here, including a sample chapter.

Renew Your Life the Natural Way is available at
Amazon Kindle Store Barnes & Noble iTunes Kobo