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A cautionary note: In our expanded descriptions of Bach Flower Essences we deliberately exaggerate the typical characteristics of of those in need of a particular Essence. There are people whose characteristics may indeed be that intense, but this isn't a requirement for choosing the Essence. For example, those who need Cerato may not always have to ask others before they make a decision. It might be most of the time. It might also be a condition which isn't longstanding, but one which has recently developed.
I just wanted to let you two know that I really enjoy reading
through your web site. I have gotten SO much out of reading your
Bach Flower Essence descriptions. I've been studying the Bach Flower
Essences for a short time, taken two of the three courses through
Nelson Bach to obtain my Practitioner's Licence. Your descriptions
have seemed to REALLY grasp the dynamics and the textures of each
Essence...something which I haven't seen in a lot of books on the
Thank you for having such a great web site up, it warms my heart to know that there is such wonderful information on the web available to so many. |
(related to Sagittarius) Aspen (related to Taurus) Beech Centaury (related to Virgo) Cerato (related to Gemini) Cherry Plum Chestnut Bud Chicory (related to Scorpio) Clematis (related to Pisces) Crab Apple Elm Gentian (related to Capricorn) Gorse Heather Holly Honeysuckle Hornbeam Impatiens (related to Aries) Larch Mimulus |
Mustard Oak Olive Pine Red Chestnut (related to Cancer) Rescue Essence Rock Rose Rock Water Scleranthus (related to Libra) Star of Bethlehem Sweet Chestnut Vervain (related to Leo) Vine Walnut Water Violet (related to Aquarius) Wild Oat White Chestnut Wild Rose Willow |
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