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Bach Flower Remedies

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Bach Course Level Two

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After many requests, I have decided to offer a second level for my Bach Flower Remedies Level One graduates. (A third level will be available in the future.) Below is the information for the Level Two Course.

These courses are only open to graduates of the basic Bach Flower Remedies course. See information about the basic course here

The Components of the Level Two Course


In the Level One Bach Course, students received certification for successfully completing a self-evaluation regarding essence needs. In Level Two, you will be asked to do four evaluations for others.

If you are regularly doing flower essence consultations, I suggest you choose from these the evaluations that most fully showcase your abilities. They should reflect a range of issues.

Be sure to get your clients' permission to use this material. You are free to change the clients' names and delete information such as address, phone number, and email address.

For this part of your work, I would like to see:

1. A copy of the client's filled-out consultation form.
2a. A summary of your comments to the client, if you conducted a face-to-face session
2b. A copy of your written remarks, if you conducted a consultation by email.
3. A separate explanation of why you chose the Remedies you did for each client.

All material must be typewritten.

Research Paper

In addition, I will ask you to write an approximately 1500-word research paper that focuses on a particular remedy.

The Paper's Content

  1. Your paper should at least briefly document Dr. Bach's discovery of the Remedy you've chosen, with some references to how he used them in cases.
  2. You will find some variations in how different practitioners view the Remedy you've chosen. Describe these variations, citing your references.
  3. I would also like to see a description of your own impressions of the particular Remedy, based on both your own experiences with taking it and with clients' responses.
  4. You may come to some unexpected conclusions, i.e., you may find a nontraditional application for the Remedy you choose.

An example: I once had a client who was assaulted by unwelcome psychic stimuli. Working on the idea that she lacked the will to shut out these impressions (in other words, she let them dominate her), I recommended Centaury. This Remedy had dramatic and welcome effects.

I welcome such applications as part of your paper.

Standards of Assessment

I will assess your work on the basis of thoroughness, accuracy, and originality. Understanding that many students have English as a second language, I will give less attention to style, grammar, etc. However, the explanations and ideas must be clear and comprehensible.

Below I provide a list of helpful texts for this. You are, however, not limited to these selections, but I would like you to consult at least three texts.

The only other requirement is that you read at least one primary source, i.e., from the writings of Dr. Edward Bach. You are free to use references from the Level One manual.

You will also find some valuable source material at vibrations.com The site has a search engine to help you find references.

Many students focus their counseling work on companion or wild animals. You are free to continue this focus in both the consultations you choose and in writing your research paper.

When you have chosen your subject and have an idea of how you want to proceed with it, I suggest that you send me this information. This way, we can both be sure that you're on the right track.


The Bach Flower Remedies by Edward Bach and E.J. Wheeler

The Essential Writings of Dr. Edward Bach: The Twelve Healers and Heal Thyself by Dr. Edward Bach

Collected Writings of Edward Bach: The Man Who Discovered the Bach Flower Remedies by Edward Bach and Julian Barnard

The Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach Physician by Nora Weeks

The Bach Flower Remedies Step by Step: A Complete Guide to Selecting and Using the Remedies (Bach Flower Remedies Repertories) by Judy Ramsell Howard

Clarifying the Basic Principles and Standards of the Bach Flower Remedies: Questions and Answers by John Ramsell and Nickie Murray

Advanced Bach Flower Therapy: A Scientific Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment by Gštz Blome. M.D.

Bach Flower Remedies for Animals: The Definitive Guide to Treating Animals with the Bach Remedies by Stefan Ball and Judy Ramsell Howard

Bach Flower Remedies for Animals by Helen Graham and Gregory Vlamis

Illustrated Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies: An Authoritative Guide to Natural Healing with Flower Essences by Philip M. Chancellor

The Essential Writings of Dr. Edward Bach: The Twelve Healers and Heal Thyself by Dr. Edward Bach

Bach Flower Therapy: Theory and Practice by Mechthild Scheffer

Mastering Bach Flower Therapies: A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment by Mechthild Scheffer

New Bach Flower Therapies: Healing the Emotional and Spiritual Causes of Illness by Dietmar Kramer

If I am unable to certify you in the first go-round, I will give you specific suggestions and recommendations. You will have one additional opportunity to resubmit your work, based on my critique.

Time Frame: You may have from six months to a year for this project.

Cost: $200. $100 is to be paid upon application. The balance is due upon your sending me your material for review.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

To Order

Main Course Page

Table of Contents

Sample Section

About Certification and Other Questions


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